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Offering a full range of Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning.



Inheritance Guidance

We all have wealth and more of it than we often realize. Our wealth is not determined by the dollar value of our home or the amount of money we have accumulated in our retirement accounts. Of course these are elements of our wealth, but instead of believing that the definition ends there we need to recognize that wealth is everything we have to share with others. It includes our knowledge, experiences, and feelings. When we die we have an invaluable opportunity to share all of our wealth with the people we care about, and with effective inheritance guidance we can be confident we have made the right decisions for sharing the wealth of our lives with those we care about.

There are so many different options for making your wishes known when you die or become incapacitated, it can be hard to decide what is best. As our last gift, we want to be sure that our wishes are met. Though the decisions are ultimately our own, we can make better more complete decisions with effective inheritance guidance. This guidance can help us to know what we want to do and what we need to do in order to make it happen. With advance planning and thoughtful inheritance guidance, we have the opportunity to make a stressful and emotional time for the people we care about a little less stressful, allowing our loved ones to focus on the process they are experiencing instead of forcing them to make difficult decisions that can tear relationships apart in a time when relationships and bonds should be growing stronger.

The decision of whether to create a will or a trust is not only based on our material wealth and needs instead to consider who we want our things to go to and when that transfer will happen. With effective inheritance guidance we can be sure to make the best decision for our loved ones. Your plan can never be created too soon, as it can easily be changed or updated as the need arises. Having it in place early can provide peace of mind and security as we go through our daily lives, commuting to and from work, traveling, going on date night, or even catching a bad case of the flu.

Contact me today to schedule an appointment to learn your options about how inheritance guidance can bring comfort to your everyday life today!


Disclaimer: The materials contained on this page is for general informational purposes, it should not be considered formal legal advice and does not create a formal lawyer/client relationship.

My Services


A will can be a simple or complex document that establishes your desires for how your property will be distributed after you die. It can allow you to transfer property to the people whom you want to receive it when you are gone,

Nomination of Guardian

As a parent one of the most frightening possibilities is not having someone to care for our children. By nominating a guardian we can be sure that we know that our children will be loved and cherished even though we are gone..


A trust is a document that specifies what your wishes are for yourself and your property. The benefits are extensive. A trust allows you to make decisions that meet your specific needs and the needs of the people you care about. 

Hours of Operation

Flexible Appointments
In Person and Virtual Available 

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